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Maria loves to teach from beginning to advanced genealogists on various topics. Maria is passionate about genealogy and enjoys sharing her knowledge with others. She is a patient and enthusiastic teacher who is able to tailor her instruction to the needs of her students. Here is a sampling of her lectures. If you don't see what you are looking for, contact Maria for a custom lecture.

Lectures for Beginning Genealogists

An Introduction to FamilySearch, Ancestry, and My Heritage

Tailored to beginning genealogists, this presentation will help learners to explore the world of genealogy through three major websites. Discover the treasure trove of resources available on each of the sites. We will walk through the basics of navigating the websites, including their unique features. Learn how each site can help you to manage and grow your family tree.

Excel for Genealogists

​Unlock the power of Excel in your genealogy research. This beginner-friendly presentation will help family historians learn the value of spreadsheets for their research. You will learn how to create research logs, organize DNA matches, and create timelines to organize your genealogical data efficiently. Discover tips and tricks that will streamline your process. Gain the skills and confidence you need to add Microsoft Excel to your toolbox.

Timelines as a Research Tool

Delve into the world of genealogy timelines and learn how to effectively utilize them in your journey to find your family. This session will guide you through the creation of timelines, showing how they can provide visual context for your research. Timelines can help you uncover missing details and understand the lives of your ancestors. Learn how to use timelines for organizing research, proving relationships, and communicating results.

Lectures for Intermediate and Advanced Genealogists

Is This the Right Gal? - Wringing Every Bit of Evidence from a Record (Analyzing Records)

​Discover how to become a skilled genealogist by thoroughly analyzing records to uncover hidden gems of evidence. Learn techniques to extract every ounce of information from records, decipher clues, and follow leads to unlock new discoveries about your ancestors. After this presentation, you will be equipped with tools to confidently investigate records and unveil the stories of your family's past.

Analyzing Journal Articles – A Path to Organizing Proof Arguments

Published articles contain many examples of excellent writing and techniques for presenting material. From the methodology of separating same-named men to presenting census data, analyzing articles will help you to communicate your findings to any audience. Learn how to use journal articles as a model for writing your own proof arguments.

Evaluating Your Work Using the Genealogical Proof Standard

We will explore the principles of the Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS), a rigorous methodology that ensures reliable and well-documented family history research. Learn how to apply the GPS to your research processes, including research, citations, analysis, resolving conflicts, and writing conclusions. Following the GPS will lead to thoroughly researched and trustworthy family trees. This lecture will help you to systematically improve your research and writing.

Lectures about DNA

DNA for Beginners: Understanding Your Results and Navigating the Three Major Testing Sites

DNA testing can be a great way to discover new information about your ancestors. In this presentation, we will discuss the basics of DNA testing, including how it works and how it can help your genealogy. We will review tools provided by the three major DNA testing companies and see how they can help you to organize and understand your results. By the end of this presentation, you will have a better understanding of how DNA testing can be used to learn more about your family history.

Organizing DNA Matches

DNA matches can be overwhelming. Finding matches that further your work can be time-consuming and frustrating. Learn how to organize your matches to quickly find the information that you need for your analysis and writing.

Using DNA to Verify Your Tree

​DNA testing can be a powerful tool for proving relationships and filling in the gaps in your family tree. In this presentation, we will discuss how to use DNA to prove your pedigree. We will cover topics such as: connecting DNA and documentary research, tools for interpreting your results, and connecting with DNA matches. By the end of this presentation, you will have a better understanding of how to use DNA to prove your pedigree.

For inquiries, please contact Maria


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© 2024 Maria Wittwer 

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